Saturday, January 26, 2019

Michael Jackson essay

Analyse how the Billy Jean music video by Michael Jackson represent or subvert black stereotypes of black identity.

Billy Jean music video is telling a narrative of a man who has been accused of fathering a child, but he denies it, and this short film, rather than a music video, it is edited in the style of a film noir. It has been made to look like a noir in how there is the black and white edited colouring, the trench coats, the low key lighting and the false setting of a noir film. This applies to the black stereotype of how black people are typically portrayed as the dangerous group of people, who are investigated, however we see this countering the stereotype of black men as the story progresses, as we see the paparazzi being the antagonist, and Michael Jackson as the hero protagonist. His outfit resembles a respectful, young man who appears as the "guy next door" that you could trust, or would be proud to bring home to show your family.

This is in comparison to the black representation we see of Ricky James seen in the "super freak" music video who is seen conforming to the stereotype of black men being hyper sexualised and magnets to women. The Billy Jean music video battles the stereotypes of black men, rather than feeding into them. We see Michael as a "Musical innovator", not a common thing for black artists in the music industry, however we see him as a dancer, which in certain respects is a stereotype now associated with black people, but not in the same way it applies to Michael Jackson, as he had an original style of dance. This is however a stereotype that has since stuck. There is also the elements within the music videos of Michael Jackson disappearing, or tiles changing colours when he walks on them, or a homeless man becoming a well dressed gentlemen when he shows him some generosity, but all of this plays into the stereotypical roles of black men playing the "magical negro". This was a long standing tradition in cinema in the US, with the "magical negro" being a person with special insight or mystical powers. There was also the stereotypical black actor roles in films such as the sidekick to a white man, however, we see Michael being the male lead, and the white paparazzi being the secondary character, again, breaking from the tradition of the time.

The whole video is edited in a way that looks, again, like a noir film, but within the setting, it gives off the vibe of almost a gangster film. This was a common stereotypical role for black actors to portray at the time, as they were associated with gangs, yet we are mislead by the immediate belief we have, as we see that Michael is not a gangster, just an innocent man, made to look guilty. This is an important factor, as this has been done intentionally to show that first impressons are not always correct, and the mise-en-scene is there to mislead us initially, and then show us how we were wrong as the story progresses. Again, the camera work has been filmed in a way that aims to make it look like a spy thriller, with the panning shots, the dim lighting, filmed to make the whole thing look very criminal to the audience. It has ben filmed to look exactly like a film, but instead a shorter condensed down version of the story the narrative is telling us.

The fact that he is dressed in what looks like a prom suit, almost reflects the innocence of this character, as we can see that  he is a young man, and when you are young you are still associated with innocence, and this is what he is mirroring. This again, counters the stereotype that he has been associated with, and in the context, of being guilty of fathering a child that he swears in not his. There was the stereotype of black artists fathering many children, and he adamantly denies it, and this is what the music video and the lyrics are saying.

Several of the lyrics give a clue as to what Michael is trying to tell the audience through this music and the video. "Dance on the floor, in the round" could be a reference to a sexual relationship with the character of 'Billy Jean' and again, links to the stereotype of black musicians fathering many children. However, this is what Michael denies to have taken place, and defends himself. "Forty days and forty nights" could be a biblical reference to Jesus fasting for forty days and forty nights. Michael Jackson had a strong religious background and he wants to express that within his music. There is a second link to the Bible with the lyrics of "so take my strong advice, remember to always think twice", as it is almost like a biblical parable as there is a moral to his story. He wants people to learn how to act and to be responsible and listen to what others tell you to do.

This music video has been filmed to show Michael's innocence in this case in his life where he was under real accusations of fathering a child he denied was his. This video was also filmed to show the innocence of the people who had been stereotyped in a certain way for many years. It is a political stand against the way black people had been portrayed over the years, and turning it around in a positive way.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019



Key Terminologies:
Media industry: How the media industries’ processes of production, distribution and circulation affect media forms and platforms.
Media audience: How media forms target, reach and address audiences, how audiences interpret and respond to them and how members of audiences become producers themselves. 
Digitally convergent media: Video games consoles are an excellent example of a digitally convergent device, you can not only play games but access social media, surf the internet, stream films and TV content and upload content into cloud based servers. Cross-media content helps maximize profits and also improve reach to new customers.
Production: This refers to all phases of designing, developing and making the media product;.
Distribution: This refers to all processes linked to delivering the media product to audiences both through tangible (disc) and digital (Cloud based) media.
Consumption: Explores the way in which the media text is used by audiences for pleasure but also explores the rise of user generated content across several platforms.


Minecraft is the second most successful video game of all time behind Tetris.
It was created and designed by Markus Persson,
a game programmer, who also developed and published the game through his company
Mojang. A full version of the game went on release in November 2011.
To date, well over 121 million copies have been sold across all platforms, including over 27 million PC copies, making it the biggest selling PC game of all time. 

The success of the games market.
The UK’s   US$4 billion;
China,   US$24.4 billion
America’s   US$23.6 billion.
A recent report by the UKIE1 suggests that the global games market is now worth in excess of US$100 billion.    
In comparison to traditional media like film, radio, print and television, video games are much younger, exponentially growing since the 1970s.

Minecraft’s Swedish creator, Markus “Notch” Persson started creating the game in May of 2009 having been inspired by similar games such as Dwarf Fortress, a single- player construction and management game; his goal was to produce a Role Playing Game variation.
Minecraft’s initial reception wasn’t commercially viable, seen more as a niche product for players with expert knowledge of computers and programming. 


80 Million subscribers
Most recent mine craft video from 2015 on how scary mine craft is, had 14 million views, 355k likes and 12k likes.
Does comedic videos for gamer adults, not younger kids. Doesn't do tutorials, does humour videos.
Has 19.8 billion views as of January 2019
Worth $20 million in December 2018
Creates videos now on memes, comedy videos, and created merchandise.

Does 'lets plays' episodes, demos. total viewing is 6.8 billion 

Has 7.2 million subscribers
Made famous  by having an argument with the creator of Minecraft.

This causes people to create their own media inspired by Minecraft as seen in some of these accounts such as PewDiePie, as they see the game plays or tutorials or comedy videos and see they success of these people and want to join this you tuber gaming community. This promotes Youtube as people join this community of gamers, as well as you tubers. Preston Playz for example has 8.1 million subscribers and creates videos on how to complete certain maps and sections of mine craft, giving them a total viewing figure of 38 million views. 

How it interests gamers
Generating codes to improve the programme.
Through forums, one being entertaining, or because they show you genuine tips on playing the game.
There are certain resources such as how to mine for gold or emerald, etc.

The establishment of Minecraft Marketplace is a great example of the industry listening to their audiences (fans) and allowing
the trade of different maps, textures and ‘add ons’ in a legitimate setting.  - Look up Minecraft Market Place and discuss the opportunities for users to make money from their use of Minecraft
The nature of the game has also allowed audiences to learn new skills, such as programming.
Minecraft Marketplace is a way to browse and purchase community made content from within the gameBrowse, download, and play new Minecraft skins, textures, maps, and more from the Minecraft community in the Minecraft Marketplace. Content purchases in the Marketplace are made using a currency called Minecraft Coins, which is purchased in the game store.Skins are divided into areas that act as the surface area of the character (for example, the front head area, left leg area, etc.).

Celebrities, such as Lady Gaga, reference Minecraft in her music video such as GUY, which gives celebrity endorsement to the game is elf, as when people see her as a fan, they will be interested in also playing it. 

Minecraft Realms are hosted on specialised servers by Mojang.
The terms and conditions require users to comply to the following regulations:, it must:
not be offensive to people;
not be illegal or unlawful;
be honest and not mislead, trick or exploit anyone else nor impersonate others;
not infringe anyone's copyright or other rights;
not be racist, sexist or homophobic;
not be bullying or abusive;
not damage our or another person's reputation;
not include pornography;
not include advertising.

Male stereotypes

Lady Gaga Essay

Analyse how the Million Reasons music video by Lady Gaga uses stereotypes to represent a variety of images of feminine identity.

These two eye level wide shots have been used to counter the stereotype of women being elegant and it humanises Lady Gaga in the respect that as Van Zoonen state, women are seen as objects, not people, and this relates to these shots in how it shows her as being informal and 'unlady-like' in her posture and indirect mode of address. It removes the standard of women looking or acting in a certain way.

In this close up shot of Lady Gaga's face, she has an indirect mode of address, as she is turning her face away, and her hat is concealing her. This shot is used all throughout the music video and is a direct counter stereotype to Van Zoonen's theory that women's faces are not shown, as they are only seen as objects, such as in other videos where you only see their mid section, or perfume adverts, seeing the women's legs on a man's shoulders. This counter's that theory and stereotype as it shows women's faces, it humanises them, and it makes them people, rather than allowing people to view them as objects. The whole object of the use of these shots is to break form tradition and set a precedent of a new way of portraying women in the media industry. This directly links to another theorist, bell hook, who states women need to be activists to call themselves feminists, and this video makes a direct stand against the traditions of how especially female artists are portrayed in the music industry
Close ups are used to show the emotion of the person in front of the screen. However, in this shot, she shows no emotion, which is a break from the conventions of the use of this shot, as well as a break from gender stereotypes, as women are portrayed as emotional characters, whereas she shows no emotion in this shot. We do hover see the heavy makeup, which is a stereotypical expectation of women in society to wear. This may add to the theory of Van Zoonen that women wear what is expected of them to wear as seen in the media, as we live in a time where the historical and cultural context (as highlighted by Van Zoonen) expects women to wear heavy makeup to look beautiful. This in deeper meaning could be symbolic of how looking how society tells you to look makes you become abnormal and not human, which is what Lady Gaga is highlighting. That women do not look like the real them until you strip all of the facade bear and see the real them, and the shot below is the real them.

This close up shot in black and white is a stripped bear, honest, and raw portrayal of Lady Gaga. This has been deliberately edited to look black and white to show the simplicity of it, as black and white is plain and easy to understand. With colourful layers on top it is easy to see the facade, whereas black and white is plain and stripped down so you see the pure person underneath. It shows how she may be as stereotypically portrayed, emotional, but it is being honest and making an angry statement that this is who she is. She is not a robot, she is a human, she has a voice and she is not going down without a fight. This is a direct stand against as an activist and feminist, as stated that women need to be to call themselves a feminist by bell hooks.  This links as Lady Gaga is a feminist figure, and the media acts as a platform for people to stand up against certain injustices, and this is what she is doing. She is breaking the tradition and standards expected of women. In the chorus, she sings about trying to make sense of this relationship. She says that she bows "down to pray" to ask God to "show me the way" as she tries "to make the worst seem better." She's stayed with this relationship as best she can, but it's getting too difficult to "cut through all this worn out leather," which seems to be a reference to toughened emotional walls that keep her or him from being honest.

This mid shot of these women is a direct link to the stereotype portrayed of women of being caring and almost like a reliable figure to cry on in times of need, as well as being emotional. Stereotypes are normally portrayed as a bad thing, however what they aim to achieve in this video is making clear that to be vulnerable is not a bad thing, and to be emotional is good too. It highlights that to be human, you must be broken sometimes, and feel like you are beyond repair, but you pick yourself up and keep pushing on. This is telling a story of a journey that all people go on in their live son several occasions. This does however counter the stereotype in how it is the women that come and save her, it is not men. This breaks from the patriarchal society of men ruling over women, as highlighted by hooks, and breaks from the women being saved and being portrayed as damsels in distressed to be saved by men, as described by Van Zoonen. This may link tot he lyrics of "Baby, I'm bleedin' / Can't you give me what I'm needin'?", and the man is not the one there to help her heal, it is the women, and that is a positive aspect of the stereotype, as they help each other emotionally, which men are stereotyped to not be able to do.

In this shot we see the selection of hats, which may be a symbol of all the facades women undertake in the media industry, as they have to look and dress a certain way. It is also a link to the stereotype of women being obsessed with women and outfits and their appearances. This stereotype was theorised by Van Zoonen, as she states that women see how the media portrays women, and therefore they follow the tradition of what they see in the media, and undertake that type of look set for them. She states how the media dictates how women should look. However, we only see Lady Gaga in two looks in this music video, therefore she breaks from the tradition and has her two looks.

In these two shots, the one on the left being a mid-shot, and the one on the right being a wide shot, these appear in sequence, and show Lady Gaga being guarded by her 'army' of women, who act almost as a security force. Men are the people associated with holding security jobs, therefore it is a break from the stereotype of men being protective, and women needing to be protected. Security guards are often associated with just being the muscle to protect, whereas in this form of protection they give her a loving form of protection that is caring and is more of an emotional shield, rather than a physical shield.

In this close up mid shot, it is a very symbolic image. it is symbolic in that it shows an actual peace symbol on her arm, but the way she is looking at it is a metaphor for the peace she is now feeling. It is a symbol of her finally finding some peace. Her having the tattoo of this on her arm may also be symbolic of her needing a constant reminder to be at peace with herself, and that she needs to be reminded of it. The "one good reason" is ever present in this shot, as we can see her pointing with one finger. Maybe peace is the one good reason to stay, as she no longer wants to be at war with him, or herself, so uses peace as her one good reason to stay.

This extreme wide shot shows Lady Gaga rolling on the floor in the desert. The desert alone is a wide, vast area where little grows, and represents brutal honesty, personal struggles and also the harsh realities of survival. This applies to this scene in how she is in a personal conflict with herself as to whether she should stay or leave this person. She needs one goo reason to stay but all her partner is giving her is "...a million reasons to let you go / . . . to quit the show." This is what we see her doing here. She has left the show and has left her life behind. In the line "If I had a highway, I would run for the hills," she's saying that if she saw a way out, she would leave quickly, and again, this is what she has done here.