Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Health check - Quiz answers

                             Health check - Quiz answers

Q: 1.   What is media.
Media is a way to communicate info from person to person. Modern media must go out to a lot of people, this means mass production.

Q. 2. List at least 5 different types of media that exist from your timeline research task.
Camera obscura, 3D, Music Videos, CGI, Telephone.

Q.3.   what is web 2.0? what does web 2.0 offer to consumers compared to web1.0.
Early 1990s web 1.0 limited communication where we design is one way where content goes in one direction from the author.
Web 2.0 relates to user generated content enabling users to speak back to the web site and produce their own "user generated content" using images and text. 
Social media is the same as web 2.0 but also enables communications with other users of the media e.g Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Q.4  What are the four main elements used to analyse a music video/film/tv media text.
 Mise en Scene
Sound - non diagetic sound (sound effects)
Camera work - angles
Editing- colour treatment, high saturation, low saturation

Q 5. In Prof. S. Hall’s theory on encoding and decoding there are three ways in which a media text can be decoded.   Describe them below

1.     –Dominant/Prefered reading - This is when the text is read in the way the producer intended the text to be read.
2.     -Negotiated reading - This is the compromise between the dominant reading and the oppositional reading of the text. The audience accepts the view of the producer but also has their own input and understanding of the text.
3.     –Oppositional reading - The audience rejects the producers preferred reading and creates their own reading of the text, usually this is the opposite of what the producer intended.

Q. 5 Define representation
How media texts deal with and present gender, age, ethnicity, national and regional identity, social issues and events to an audience.  

Q.6 Define stereotype
Assumptions that are held about a social group.

Q. 7 Define counter-stereotype.
 The positive representations of a certain group. 

Q.8  Define working Class.
 Individuals engaged in manual work, often having low levels of educational achievement. The classic, traditional working class jobs include heavy labouring and factory based jobs.

Q.9 list five media stereotypes associated with the working class
 1. Underserving of help   2. Live boring lives   3. Alcoholics   4. Very common spoken   5. Loud.

Q. 10 list four black racial stereotypes .
 1. Cannot swim  2.Violent  3. Loud  4.Gang members  5. Eat chicken  6. Good dancers  7.Funny  8.Athletes  9. Argumentative 10. Pimps/prostitutes.

Q.11 identify the four stereotypes associated with Alvardo
 1. Exotic  2.Dangerous   3.Pitied  4.Humorous 

Q.12 discuss Butsch theory on the representation of the working class (1992)
 Said that the working class are flawed.

Q.14. Discuss Newman (2006) theory on the representation of the working class
 He said that it does not show the everyday lives of working class people in sitcoms, dramas TV. The working class are portrayed in a negative way.

Q.15 Shildrick and MacDonald (2007) suggested that the poor are  
Underserving of sympathy         (complete the sentence). 

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