Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Textual analysis music video "Heaven"

Textual analysis music video "Heaven"

Dark lighting on the side of his face
Sad expression
Not clean/clean shaved
Alvarado's theory 1978 - Pity this man.
Shildrick and MacDonald (2007) - opposite to this theory, which states that working class people are not deserving of sympathy. This man is clearly deserving of sympathy.
Extreme close up shot.
Mid shot.

Looking up to heaven and looking for hope.
Shows that not all working class people are bad, and criminals, and that some people are/want to be good people.
Rough looking (stereotype for working class people).
Shown in a psychically negative lighting.
Possibly edited so that it is slightly darker.
Close shot.
Mid angle.
Slight dutch tilt angle to the shot.

Edited with a purple tinted filter on top of it.
Man stands out.
Possibly homeless - leads to people associating him tot he working class stereotype.
Young person stereotype by Hayward and Yar (2006), he looks possibly like a "chav".
Edited so it is slightly dark.
Wide shot.
Purple is associated with calm.
Mid angle.

Red is associated with danger and wrath, as well as love, lust, and sex.Low  cut back, and short length looks very sexual.
Alvarado's theory, relating to possibly dangerous as she is walking into the darkness. The bright red dress and the pale white skin contrasting the darkness may represent Alvardo's theory in relation to being exotic.
Complete black after the light.
Possibly links to a working class stereotype of those in that class being possible prostitutes.
Newman (2006) theory of working class people being portrayed in a negative light --- possibly portrayed that way in this photo.
Wide shot.
High angle

Possibly links to Alvardo's theory in how he looks possibly exotic.
Edited - Slight purple tint on the photo again.
He is shown in a bright lighting.
Extreme close up shot.
Perfectly groomed, clean shaved, clean.
Opposes the stereotype that working class people are unclean.
Purple associated with calm.
Mid angle.

Edited so it is very bright but also shading on the side of his body.
"Will you recognise me when I'm lying on my back?" - is he dead? An angel?
Very natural.
Rest of the room is dark, but he looks very light.
Bare skin, clean, sort, glowing - opposed the stereotype that they are unclean.
Cross between mid-shot and close up.
Mid angle.

Red lighting contrasting the black.
Red represents either danger or threat, or sex and lust.
Alvarado's theory - possibly representing danger or possibly exotic.
Negative stereotype of working class people (women) being prostitutes.
Close up shot.
Edited so there are only the two colours (red and black).
Slightly high angle.

Rose orange filter over the camera lens, or edited to look this way.
Red/orange colour represents the friendly, desire, enthusiasm, and passion.
Angel wings links to "oh heaven, i wake with good intentions" - angels do good things for people.
Graffiti on the wall in the back and the angel wings, as well as the attire of the teenager are the typical stereotypes portrayed for wiring class teenagers. (As being almost criminals in defacing property, and wearing "edgy" bomber jackets). Feeds into stereotype of teenage working class people being "chavs" as created in the theory of Hayward and Yar (2006).
Mid angle.
The bright, clear blue sky.Blue represents wisdom, confidence, and intelligence.
She looks like a godly character.
"Oh heaven, i wake with good intentions"
Part of a church in the background.
Stands out from the stereotype.
She is a counter-stereotype.
Portrayed as the opposite of the stereotype.
Low angle shot makes Emeli Sande looks dominant and powerful - counters the stereotype of working class people being weak and vulnerable.
Mid shot.

Edited so his skin looks a certain way.
Tanned colouring of the whole photo.
Almost an orange tint to the photo.
Well groomed, clean shaved, well washed - counters the stereotype of working class people being unclean.
Living in the darkness.
Neutral expression.
Jumper feeds the stereotype of younger working class people being "chavs" (Hayward and Yar 2006) as younger working class people are typically portrayed as wearing tracksuits, which can be associated with prison wear.)
Close up shot.
Mid angle.

Edited so that the filter looks almost nostalgic which could symbolise this homeless man feeling homesick.
Blanket is decorated with a friendly teddy - possibly symbolic of how like a child, this man/woman who is homeless needs to be cared for.
Grass is well cut.
Person is hidden.
Feeds the stereotype of working class people being homeless.
Alvarado's theory - we pity this person.
Newman theory - this person is portrayed in almost a negative light (living in a field, but not committing any criminal activities).
Counters Shildrick and MacDonald's theory, as this person clearly deserving of sympathy.
High angle.
Wide shot.

Only shows the torso of this woman body.Closed body language.
Bright lighting.
Possibly edited so the light is blinding.
White associated with purity, innocence, virginity,goodness, heaven, safety.
Links to "oh heaven, i wake with good intentions", as white is symbolic of heaven and goodness.
Mid shot or torso.
Mid angle.
Contrasts the stereotype of working class people as they are portrayed in the media in a negative light (Newman), but in this case she is shown to be pure and innocent, and a physically bright light.

Harsh darkness.
Counters Shildrick and MacDonald as he is clearly deserving of sympathy and help.
Feeds stereotype of working class people being disadvantaged, living in darkness, unhappy and unfortunate.
Mid angle.
Wide shot of his waist up.
Alvarado's theory - in this case we pity this little boy.
Possibly links to Alvardo's theory of danger.
Feeds the stereotype of working class people lurking in the shadows, and people who should not be trusted.
Woman who is in the light and good v man in the dark who is possible dangerous.
Harsh darkness.
Extreme long shot of the man in the tunnel, but a over the shoulder shot of the woman.
The shot seems like we should be watching over both the good and the bad.
Mid angle.

Bright, vibrant colours.
Contrasts the little boy.
Links to Alvardo's theory of humour, as the two little girls here are clearly having a good time, and are enjoying themselves while laughing.
Both Mixed heritage.
Counters the stereotype of young children living in the working class, as they are often portrayed as being disadvantages, and miserable as a result, but theses two are opposites of this.
Action shot while the swing is moving.
High angle shot, but like we are watching it from a proud parents perspective, not an intimidating perspective.

Underclass (no work, no money)Everyone ignores him - Shildrick and MacDonald - the public view him as not being undeserving of sympathy, but as an audience we see how he is deserving of sympathy.
Nobody offers him help.
Man standing behind the tree staring at him - like it is a spectacle.
Hidden in the shadows.
Mid angle.
Wide shot.

Homeless? Clearly working class.
Possibly portrayed as a buffoon (Newman's theory) as he is wearing what looks like as scarf or table cloth on his head.
Looking up to heaven, and looking for hope.
Not clean shaved.
Not clean at all.
Basic clothing,
Long greasy hair tied up.
Mid angle.
Mid shot.

Typical working class housing estate.
Boy to the left of the camera wearing a hoodie ("chav" as described by Hayward and Yar)
Men in the background look aggressive in their stance, possibly associated with a gang (typical stereotype for black and working class people -- portrayed in a negative light as stated in Newman's theory).
Gate is damaged.
Filter put on it so it looks a bit more colourful.
All the little kids look a bit aggressive (stereotype of black working class people).
The background isn't pleasant to look at.
People look like they've been organised to stand in from of the camera like this.
Mid angle.
Wide shot.

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